Friday, July 24, 2009

Reading Genesis

I have a question regarding Genesis Chapter 3:17.

And to Adam he said,

“Because you have listened to the voice of your wife
and have eaten of the tree
of which I commanded you,
‘You shall not eat of it,’
cursed is the ground because of you;
in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life;

Is the curse highlighted above still in effect? There has been an increased focus on creation in many Christian circles. I like creation, because I am a part of it, and by God's definition a good part of it. Therefore it is in my best interest and my neighbors best interest to learn about creation and how to exploit resources without being rapacious and how to encourage the regenerative processes of nature.

However, I have problems with increased focus on the soteriological and eschatological roles of creation. I am not convinced that nature is fully redeemed and the eschaton is somehow frustrated until humans living in 'balance' with nature. I think Genesis 3:17 is in effect until Jesus returns to renew all things. The wheat and tares will grow up together. So, we will deal with the bad and the bounty of nature until the end of the age.

1 comment:

Marg said...

We say you are right on! We were even talking about Jesus' words "the renewal of all things" this morning at breakfast with family at the cottage! Though we are, of course, to use and care for creation responsibly and not abuse it, it won't be until Jesus comes again at the end of the age that He will cause the renewal of all things. Then the cataclysmic effects on creation caused by human sin against God will be reversed. Then I'll even learn to pet a snake without grimacing!