Thursday, August 6, 2009

It's Time to Regulate

There are two industries in the USA that have carte blanche to operate in any manner they see fit.

First the Movie Industry: Try to get a refund if the movie is bad. This is the last vestige of unregulated buyer-beware commerce in our society. Oh sure, the ratings and review industry tells the viewer what content is there, but every person has an opinion. If I don't like a product I buy at Target, I take it back for a refund. Inevitably someone will like that product. Where is our Ralph Nader to declare movies 'unsafe at any (shutter) speed!'

Second the Trial Lawyers: Just as the combined Attorney's General of many states sued Big Tobacco for the increased health costs due to tobacco use, it is now time to sue Big Law for the increased health costs due to frivolous law suits and decadent lifestyles. Perhaps Pres O! should limit lawyer pay as he seeks to limit executive pay or maybe the congress can pay a 70% tax on lawyer fees associated with health care lawsuits to pay for 'health care reform.'

It is time to reign in these out of control industries that abuse the consumer and earn their ill gotten gains off the backs of the common worker.

1 comment:

Tim Cairns said...

now steady on!! its not lawyers fault that people sue - they are just making a living!