Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Gordon Brown's Foolish Greed

Left wing politicians love to levy taxes. If the tax targets 'the rich', even better. Britain's PM and Liberal party have raised the top tax rate to 50% on everyone who make 150,000 pounds or more a year. We can all agree that seeing the rich as money machines is fair and just. Demanding more from them should never be an issue. There is a problem brewing and it is not just with the top earners. Top Premier League footballers are leaving for other clubs around Europe. I don't know much about Premier League football, but I do know that the fans take their teams seriously. The fans are from every economic class and they will get angry if their teams hemorrhage players and start to lose games because of Mr Browns left wing lust for more revenue.


Tim Cairns said...

sorry this article is guff!!!! Ronaldo's deal was done last summer. Real Madrid elected Perez back as President under a new Galacticos policy, which is why Kaka went to Madrid with Benzema and Ronaldo (Kaka to City was never a starter they don't play in the champions league!!). A quick look round world transfers will show that because of Madrid and silly transfer fees Man Utd and Chelsea have decided not to buy this year. This is nothing to do with tax rates in the UK (indeed Frank Ribery wants to come to United over Madrid, but Munich will not sell him. David Villa far from turning Liverpool or United down was not allowed to talk to them as he is under contract and his club want him to stay.
As for Pennant no one wanted him in England so he got a free transfer to a second rate Spainish team!!

This article is just an American who knows nothing about soccer or kick ball or whatever he calls it stoking right wing political crap!

Spain has always had a favourable tax system for sports stars and it has never had any effect on the transfer system, its all the bottom line that matters and with Perez in Spain paying crazy money its Spain that is getting the players.

This article made me laugh! we shall see in two years time where the premier league is. The EPL still has the highest TV revenue which still makes them likely to be the long term victors in the Champions league. While other countries TV money is going down, Englands is going up and that money goes directly to wages!

I think Gordon Brown has more problems than an EPL backlash

Mac said...

Well, we do call the game soccer while the rest of the world calls it football. The writer probably was inspired by seeing Beckham on the field when he attended a DC United game vs the Galaxy. And being from DC, he probably thinks he knows everything. Just look at our politicians.

Tim Cairns said...


weekly standard pah!! lets have town hall meetings against them!!

Looking forward to September! say Hi to Dave Mc for me