Friday, August 7, 2009

When Dissent is Inconvenient

Americans are outraged. The federal government is out of control in its spending. 2 industries have been nationalized. Finally, the health care debate has been duplicitous and the people are starting to see through the politicians' doublespeak. At town hall meetings across the country, angry citizens are challenging the politicians. The liberals and the media have called these protests 'fake' and 'angry mobs' sponsored by the insurance industry. The protesters are too well dressed to be serious Americans.

I think the real problem is the unexpected nature of the protests. Conservatives usually have jobs to go to or businesses to run and don't waste time carrying placards and shouting slogans and liberals know that. However, things are a bit different. These protesters are using tried and true left-wing protest tactics and this has the Dems frustrated. Only Conservatives should be shouted down or intimidated off the stage because only conservatives stand for injustice. So, as a reactionary measure, the Dems are bringing their union muscle to silence dissent.

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