Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dispatches from Western Utopia

Can someone please explain how this case is not murder. Don't get caught up in the emotion of the word murder, instead look at the situation and apply the strict definition. I really do not understand how people, and especially so-called Christians, can support a central government legitimizing such things as described. There will be no justice in this case. Just as the people of Queens, NY gawked that this poor man, so too will the self-styled human rights activists walk on by.

1 comment:

Marg said...

No, I cannot explain how this case is not murder. Abandoning a baby and withholding care in a hospital no less. I also find it interesting that when media want to garner sympathy for a pregnant woman who has been wronged or in a tragic situation, they will refer to her unborn "baby" but, in support of abortion, "it" is only a "fetus." Abortion is taking a life of an unborn baby, which this story helps to show.