Tuesday, April 13, 2010

An Apology

As was the self-loathing chique of the American and ex-patriot left during the G W Bush years, I would like to apologize to the Canadians for our current president. Even though you love and adore President O!, he has treated your great country with contempt first by slapping your hand and banning Canadian products in the $813 billion stimulus package, now he wags his finger in the face of your Prime Minister. Compared to the US leadership, Mr Harper has masterfully led the Canadian economy through treacherous economic waters. I don't think our president likes to be overshadowed by solid leadership, thus Obama needed to belittle PM Harper.

1 comment:

Marg said...

I wonder what O and H were actually discussing! Anyhow, some Canadians had fun with this photo -- imagining the dialogue and making suggestions about what President Obama was saying to Prime Minister Harper while wagging his finger at him!