Thursday, January 21, 2010

Media Madness

I want to say that if a Democrat had won Kennedy's old seat in the Senate that the Right Wingers would have been just as ridiculous in their reasoning as to why the Republican candidate lost. This time, I really do not think I can make such an assertion. On MSNBC (I know but stick with me) the commentator slandered the senator elect as a sexual pervert who hates everyone not like him. But this host is simply a nasty bigot; he is filled with hate. He represents the lowest form of dissent.

In other commentary, the people of Massachusetts are sexists because they had the chance to elect a female and did not. Funny, I thought the idea of sexism was voting because of one's sex, so endorsing a female simply because of XX chromosomes seems, well, sexist to me. This is grievance dissent. As is the commentary claiming that Brown's white-maleness put him over the top.

Finally, a commentary in the Mass newspaper claimed that Brown's victory was eerily like date rape. This is humorless humor. The fellow is trying to be clever in covering up his sour grapes.

What all of these commentaries have in common is the typical left-wing 'you-are-so-stupid' undercurrent. Whether it is your susceptibility to emotional fervor, your inability to eclipse your primal instincts, or your weakness in the face of temptation, all of these commentators think you are too stupid to have made a reasoned decision. This is based on media bias which generally believes the left-wing agenda is good and the right-wing agenda is bad, so to vote for the right-wing is stupid.

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