Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ad Hoc

I have not posted for a long time, mostly because I have not really had much to say, but I have also been observing the scenery. So I will try to cover the landscape with what I have observed.

First, I am still surprised that the water is being carried on this man-made global warming stuff. There is still talk of carbon taxes, co2 emissions limits, and massive funding going to a clearly politicized topic that tries to pass itself off as science. This worldwide fraud is funded by hundreds of billions of dollars and has become a self-important industry unto itself. It is time to stop funneling this money to arrogant and hostile persons who seek ambition and start using the money to actually clean up real environmental messes that exist around the world. Humans cannot control the environment no matter how much these empty cans rattle.

Second, I have watched the health insurance (not health care) reform debate in the US with interest and have noted a few things. There is no mention of limiting the costs created through the egregious medical tort system in the US. There is no reform giving people the ability to buy insurance across state lines. The current measures as they stand, take the individual out of the process and leave all decisions to government or other bureaucracies. Finally, there is a jail-time provision for people who do not purchase insurance. Talk about criminalizing poverty. I have some compromise proposals:
  • First and the most obvious, eliminate the 7% income floor for making health costs tax-deductible.
  • Let people buy insurance from any provider in the country
  • Reform medical malpractice so that it is not 25% of the nations health costs
  • Give small business the ability to pool resources and buy insurance at the large company discounts
  • Set up a fraud detection system for Medicare and Medicaid similar to the systems used by credit card companies looking for illegal transactions (I get a call at least 3 times a year making sure things are on the up and up)
  • If there is a government plan, give people the ability to opt out of the government plan and buy a policy with a Health Savings Account which the government would fund with the money the government would have spent on insuring this individual up to $4,000 per year. This is a great option for young people without the resources to buy insurance.
Finally, a Republican won Ted Kennedy's seat in the Senate. This is the third big loss for Democrats this election year (09-10). I hope the spending insanity in Washington will slow down. As much as the ruling class likes to trumpet their importance, it is the local community that must deal with the realities of waste and fraud emanating from the central authority. Perhaps we are rediscovering our roots of radical volunteerism in this country. The voluntary association is the hallmark of the free society.

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