Friday, March 27, 2009

Manufactured News

The mainstream media for some unknown reason thinks that average Americans have issues with intolerance. A couple of years ago, NBC sent a couple of actors dressed as Muslims to a NASCAR race to see if they could provoke some sort of racist outburst from the race fans. Nothing happened. If you remember the 2008 election, the urban legend of rabid racism at Sarah Palin rallies was foisted upon us by Dana Milbank and led to tales of angry mobs with torches and pitchforks. When actually investigated, a single reporter heard a threat from one or two people in a crowd of thousands and calls all the people there racist threatening violence. Again, Nothing Happened. Now, ABC has sent some actors into a sports bar to be flagrantly gay and provoke some sort of homophobic response. Guess what, nothing happened.

Here's what I don't understand: Go to any anti-globalization rally and you will witness violence without provoking it. Go to any anti-Israel rally, and you will experience intimidation. Go to any "peace" rally and you will hear from the podium who to hate. Why don't reporters do something as provocative in these settings? The answer is easy, they know they would suffer harm! In essence these reporters are cowards. For as much as they demonize small town values, they understand that they are safe from harm. Try this crap in the midst of radical left-wingers and anarchists, and you are in far more peril. Go to if you want to see some very disturbing (warning: some are very tasteless) photos of what radical hate looks like.

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