Sunday, March 15, 2009

Early Start in gardening

By the subject of this blog, its author is probably pretty obvious -- this is Melissa. I have been neglecting this blog, pretty much since i started working, my apologies. Though i do post at -- though that is more of a creative writing outlet for me than an actual blog. It contains the stories of our guiding eye pup, Buffy. She is adorable, but its safe to say that at almost 4 months, she's well into the "terrible twos" of puppy years!

Anyways, gardens. As some of you will remember last year we bought seedlings and planted a garden in the back, sometime in late may, early june. Well being as far south as we are (as compared to Toronto, not Florida) the start of the outdoor planting season is actually April 1. So yesterday Mac and I went on a "gardening date" to Lowes. Well really we went to check out some chair rails for our dining room and I got distracted by the seeds. This year we're going to try to grow veggies and herbs from seed instead of buying the seedlings! We bought corn, onion, hot pepper (cayenne and jalepeno for salsa), radishes, lettuce and a few herbs (basil, oregano, cilantro, rosemary and one other i can't remember off the top of my head). I've been doing research to see what we need to start indoors (well i read the back of the packages) and then did some net research of what we need. I'll be putting together a "to buy" list from mac. I think i'm going to ad some more seeds too (tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet bell peppers etc). Starting from seed is so much cheaper than from seedlings, so if we can make this work, it'll be money in pocket. And then if we have visitors over the summer from up north, we can share from the bounty of our garden. We're also hoping to be able to share with friends from around here.

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