Friday, October 2, 2009

News Flash

International Olympic Committee wants Obama to Fail:

Pushing aside one of President Obama's job creating plans for America, the IOC has rejected Chicago's Olympic bid. Standing opposed to the new savior of the World (go to the 50 second mark), the IOC has now joined with the Tea Party crowd, the Townhallers, and Rush Limbaugh in opposing Obama. We are waiting on comments from Speaker Pelosi. Will she call the IOC a NAZI organization?

1 comment:

Tim said...

I supported Obama going to make the pitch. I think Fox etc were dead wrong in their criticism. But here is the thing, to win the bid requires brown nosing. When London won 2010, Tony Blair spent 4 days before the pitch taking the IOC members out for dinner and lunch etc. Holding parties, speaking to the people personally. reports say that is how London (which was 3rd favourite going into the vote) won. Now people who know me know I hold Blair in even less regard than I do Obama, but Blair did a great job in winning the Olympics for London.

The Brazilian President did the same as Blair. He was there for the full week. Flying in for 50 minutes and giving a speech about how you can't wait to walk to the events from your house is an insult and arrogant in the extreme. This was a wakeup call. Obama's personality will only carry him so far.

But more than that, the idiot who sanctioned this in his staff needs fired. If the President goes to make the pitch then the city needs to at least make the top 2. Chicago was voted out first!! from favourite to last place! What a joke. If the President is going they need to be sure they will at least come second, or better still be sure its a shoe in. If Obama had gone and they had won it would have been a real call out to Americans that through Obama things were changing. Instead he failed.

This was a fiasco from start to finish and I think spoke more to the Obama staffers’ arrogance than anything else. Their man just needs to turn up and they win - pathetic.