Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Trading Reason For Madness

I am generally skeptical of the Human caused theories of Global Warming. I do not think humans can control the climate and it is the utmost hubris to suggest that humans can control the climate. Indeed, climate control is the last gasp of Modern Man's attempt to exert his authority in the name of science. And, because many people saw Algore's farce and believed the propaganda, Western nations are implementing policies that are dubious at best and dangerous at worst.

The prime example is the compact fluorescent light. We are about to put billions of these in circulation and the government is forcing us to buy them. So, based on the speculation of climate modeling, we have increased the risk of mercury poisoning. This is where reason has gone out the window. We know that CFLs contain mercury and must be disposed of in a toxic waste approved way. We know that incandescent lights are tungsten, aluminum, and glass (non-toxic). Yet, because of arrogance, we have traded what we know to be reasonable (the toxic for the non-toxic) for the madness of what we don't know (the future climate).

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