Friday, May 29, 2009

The Benefits of Opaque Transparency

The current POTUS promised transparency in his administration. The blinds would be open to whoever wished to peer in the window. Bills would be posted online for 5 days prior to signature, policy meetings would be open, and the kangaroo courts would be televised as the enemies of the revolution were tried and denounced. I digress.

Chrysler has been taken over by the Democrats in Government. Hundreds of dealerships were summarily closed. No one can explain the closure process and the White House disclaims any involvement even though the administration appointed a 'Car Czar,' the Pres personally derided bondholders for not taking his deal, and the White House pressured the bankruptcy court to fast-track the Chrysler reorganization.

Some people are digging into the closure results based upon a political analysis. The results are telling. I hope the assertions are unfounded.


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